Australia Modified Karnofsky Scale

Functional status assessment

This tool is based on the Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Scale (Abernethy 2005). It is a measure of the patient's overall functional status based on their ability to perform common tasks relates to activity and self-care.

To use this scale, select the activity level which best describes the patient’s overall functional ability:

Abernethy AP, Shelby-James T, Fazekas BS, Woods D, Currow DC. The Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status (AKPS) scale: a revised scale for contemporary palliative care clinical practice [ISRCTN81117481]. BMC Palliat Care. 2005 Nov 12;4:7. doi: 10.1186/1472-684X-4-7. PMID: 16283937; PMCID: PMC1308820.

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