Quality of Dying APGAR (QODA)

Quality of Dying in End-Stage Kidney Disease

The Quality of Dying APGAR tool, developed by clinician researchers at Baystate Medical Center, consists of five domains (pain, non-pain symptoms, advance care planning, peacefulness, and time) that are scored from zero to two (Cohen, 2004). The score of the domains are summed with a higher score representing a higher quality of death.

Physical (symptom management) dimensions

Pain (during the last week of life):

0= severe & distressing pain

1= the pain distressed the patient somewhat

2= no pain, or the pain did not distress the patient

Non-Pain symptoms (last week of life) i.e.: confusion, dyspnea, spiritual distress, etc./strong

0= severe & distressing symptom

1= the symptom distressed the patient somewhat

2= no symptom or the symptom did not distress the patient

Psychosocial (peace) dimensions

Advance Care Planning

During the last week of life, to what extent were patient’s wishes followed- regarding a course of treatment that focused on extending life as much as possible even if it meant more pain and discomfort - or, on a plan of care that focused on relieving pain and discomfort as much as possible even if it meant not living as long.

0= formal health care proxy or living will had not been completed, documented, or communicated to staff who managed the terminal care.

1= intermediate

2= formal health care proxy or living will had been completed, documented, and communicated to staff who managed the terminal care.


During the last week of life, did the patient die on his/her own terms? (Consider the following information, if available)? Was the patient lucid, coherent, able to take leave of loved-ones or have them say good-bye, complete most of the desired tasks, attend to spiritual matters, die where the patient chose, and leave the family united?

0= mostly not peaceful/dignified

1= mostly peaceful/dignified – intermediate

2= peaceful/dignified

Duration dimension

Time – Dying was prolonged or brief?

0= prolonged - in that the dying period lasted 6 months or more. If dialysis was discontinued, then death occurred 3 weeks or more after the last dialysis treatment.

1= intermediate - in that the dying period (terminal period) was less than 6 months but more than 1 month. If dialysis discontinued, death occurred between 2 and 3 weeks after the last dialysis session.>

2= brief - the dying took place in sleep/suddenly/unexpectedly, or occurred within one month of being in a terminal state. If dialysis was discontinued, then death took place 2 weeks or less from the time of the last treatment.


(Mark the score with an asterisk *, if some aspect was unusual and warrants a narrative)

Cohen LM, Germain MJ. Measuring quality of dying in end-stage renal disease. Semin Dial. 2004 Sep-Oct;17(5):376-9. doi: 10.1111/j.0894-0959.2004.17348.x. PMID: 15461747. 

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